Posted on June 2, 2022
WordPress(WP) is the most wonderful site-building platform out there. You don’t have to be a tech expert before you can use it. You only need a little knowledge of how to use digital tools and troubleshoot the problems you encounter.
However, no matter how knowledgeable you are, you’ll still encounter some problems that might be difficult to solve. These problems prove even more difficult for WordPress new users. To them, when they encounter any WordPress common errors, they feel the need to consult a tech professional. This is because they don’t know what to do.
This is the reason for writing this article, to give beginners some problem-solving tips on WordPress common errors.
Most of these problems are usually easy to solve. You just need to know where the wordpress common errors comes from and resolve it.
Table of Contents
When your connection timed out, it means that you’re overworking your WP. That is, you are overloading your WP with many things at the same time. This is normally seen when you use shared hosting. When you use plugins that consume too many resources, you may have this problem. Or the problem might come from your themes or lack of PHP storage space.
Fixing Tips:
Is your WP continuously stuck in these modes when you edit your site? It’s good to always update your WP, but many users encounter this error while doing so. When you have a timed WP update, the screen might be stuck in one place and refuses to change. This happens if you interrupt the site while maintenance is going on. The WP page will lock down and show site visitors that your WP isn’t available. Nobody can access the WP once the maintenance is ongoing.
Fixing Tips:
It can be quite frustrating when you try to send an email on WordPress, but it doesn’t deliver. The major cause is the hosting servers. When hosting servers have wrong configurations, they give out errors. In addition, they can’t use the mailing functions embedded in WordPress.
However, some hosting sites have correct email configurations, yet give errors. The reason may be the spam-prevention function embedded inside the hosting servers. It’s there to prevent or filter spam messages. This can cause an error to occur if the emails couldn’t pass through the spam function. The spam function will send such emails to the spam folder, even if the email doesn’t spam.
Fixing Tips:
More than a hundred WordPress users have encountered this error. How does it happen? When users are on their WordPress site, the page they’re working on goes blank with a white screen. It’s as if there’s nothing on the screen. There are many reasons for you to encounter such an issue. It might be that your WordPress didn’t load properly.
Fixing Tips:
It’s not difficult to fix this.
Try any of the above-mentioned methods to see if they are useful. Otherwise, contact WordPress customer assistance for support.
Since last year, WP has been having problems with sharing Instagram and Facebook posts on WP with Embed. Anytime they try to make such posts, WP gives a ‘broken’ error message. This might be due to the changes made to Meta’s (previously Facebook) interfaces. Meta’s API is used for directly embedding social media posts into WP sites. Recently, Meta has laid down new rules. Programmers must register their apps before they can use embed blocks. After registration, they are given client tokens to get data to use to embed posts inside any website.
This is difficult to do on WP, so the site admins deleted Instagram and Facebook embed blocks. They replaced them with WP plugins instead. This is why people can’t embed posts from these two social media.
Fixing Tips:
Most WordPress common errors come from wrong details, bad plugins, faulty themes, and embed features. Before you call in experts to review your unresponsive WP, it’s best to check the site yourself. Use the problem-solving tips written above to resolve the problems. An efficient WP does not give you problems and has fast loading time when you use it. You’ll enjoy your WP site more if it doesn’t give you any trouble.