
    How To Fix A Slow WordPress Admin

    Is your website slowing you down? Do you feel the need for a faster website? Bemore online has the expertise and the tips to improve your website’s speed.

    WordPress is a platform used to manage content. Content Managers, hosting sites, and web developers often use it on their sites. Popular website hosting company, Bemore Online offers simple and effective WordPress solutions.

    WordPress has made blogging easier for content creators. However, it has its own issues. One of them are slow response times, a slow admin panel, and security problems. These can make it difficult to manage certain website features. However, there are a number of ways to fix a slow admin panel.

    How To Fix A Slow WordPress Admin

    BeMoreOnline has listed five ways to boost the performance of your WordPress Admin. These tips are beneficial to WordPress new users. Follow these different tips to if your WordPress Admin is slow (details of each tip is described below);

    1. Update your Personal Home Page or Hypertext Processor (PHP)
    2. Increase WordPress Storage
    3. Heartbeat Application Programming Interface (API) should have limitations. You can also stop its operations.
    4. WordPress Database Optimization
    5. Find another hosting company
    6. Increase Php Memory limit.

    Update your Hypertext Processor (PHP): WordPress is developed using Hypertext Processor language. Programmers use the open-source language to build content management platforms. BeMoreOnline uses it on their hosting servers. WordPress sites can display their content with PHP.

    WordPress Admin uses PHP, and PHP continues to evolve. Therefore it is important that you upgrade your PHP version regularly.  An upgraded PHP will work more efficiently than previous versions. It enhances and speeds up all operations. A WordPress install that uses an old PHP version may have slower admins.


    You can upgrade your PHP using the following steps:

    • To find out whether you need to upgrade check your current website version then proceed to upgrade the PHP you use if a later version is available. You can check this on the dashboard of your site.
    • Go to website health and select server information. Click on the version to see the one that your site is using. Update your PHP if an update is available. This could make your WordPress Admin work faster and more effectively.
    • Ensure that the new update has new layouts and a plug-in. This will make the update compatible with your system.
    • Update the PHP versions on the dashboard when it is available.
    • Sign in to cPanels provided by the hosting firm to automate updates. It will show you the latest version, click on it. Then set it as current to upgrade your WordPress.
    • Choose other methods if your host company does not have cPanels.

    IMPORTANT NOTE Backup your data before you upgrade. This will prevent the loss of data. If there are any issues when you upgrade your PHP (with a backup you can get back the older web versions). There is a manual method and automated method of backing up your data before you update your PHP.

    Increase WordPress Storage: PHP has storage limitations for websites. Low storage space means slow WordPress operations. It will reduce the speed of the administration panels. The normal PHP storage capacity is thirty-two megabytes. This is insufficient if your site is large and has more than one operation.

    It is easy to increase PHP storage capacity. Edit your PHP file through FTPs and open it on Word Processors. You can find the PHP by signing into your ACC. After you are signed in, go to the left sidebar. Thereafter, put in a string of codes. For instance, for a 300MB PHP memory, change the ‘300’ to the number of memory you want. This will increase the storage capacity to your desired limit. Click on save after changing and upload the file again through FTPs.

    You can use another way to change the storage, via manual input. Although, not all host companies have this option for their users. Ask your hosting firm if the option to input the storage limit manually is absent.

    Heartbeat Application Programming Interface (API) should have limitations: Browsers use Heartbeat Application Programming Interface (API) to communicate with servers. You don’t need to load your webpage again for them to communicate. The API is used to automatically save content.


    Even though it has many functions, it contributes to the speed of WordPress Administration. It can make the Admin slow. Another disadvantage is that it increases the use of the Central Processing Unit. Heartbeat API sends numerous requests to the Central Processing Unit. This in turn reduces the speed of the servers. It is better to reduce the work of your API or stop it completely.

    Many users prefer to limit API operations rather than stop them. Stopping it can create some problems. This is because the automated saving option is removed. You won’t be able to recover your content if you mistakenly delete them.

    Use the control plug-in to reduce the API workings via WordPress Rockets plugins. Download the plug-in online. Then activate it, go to the setting, click heartbeat controls. Select the modification button beneath WP dashboards. There is a sliding panel, select it. Slide the panel to the frequency you want. If you choose 90, the API will communicate with the CPU every 90 minutes. Save your API settings. Reload the WP administration panels to check the speed of the dashboards.

    To stop the API totally, edit the functions file manually through FTPs. Locate the functions files, open them and put a string of codes. Save the files to stop the Application Programming Interface.

    WordPress Database Optimization: WP databases store a lot of data and info. Sometimes, the databases store data excessively. That is, they can store relevant and irrelevant data. Once this happens, databases will be filled up with junk data. This will hurt the speed and performance of WP administration panels. Clean out junk files and cache memories in the WP databases with a database cleaning tool plugin. Do this to know whether it will optimize the databases. You can also optimize the database plugins through database cleaning tools.

    WP databases

    Always backup your website and data before you make changes to your databases.

    How to clean up your database with the cleaning tool plug-in.

    • Download the cleaning tool plug-in and activate it.
    • Go to the WordPress Database cleaning tool. Add it to your WordPress website. It will show you lists of data that you can clean up. Once you clean the junk data, it will optimize your database.
    • Use the drop-down menus to eliminate unwanted files.
    • Go to the box-like shape close to Element, click on clean. Select Apply to remove useless data.


    You can have a cleaning timetable to automate cleaning. The plug-in cleaning tool will do this itself. It will delete extra data from the databases at a fixed time. It saves you the time and effort to remove the data yourself.

    Find Another Hosting Company: Change your hosting company. You might have tried all the tips listed above and WP admin did not improve. This is one of the best things to do to improve your website. BeMoreOnline hosting firms have servers and tools to boost your website. Site performance, security, and speed are their main focus. The company provides excellent hosting services to its customers.


    BeMoreOnline is the best choice if you want a high-speed website that performs well. Your business doesn’t have to be lagging behind because of a slow website.

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